PA Senator Doug Mastriano Calls on All Pennsylvanians to Call State Legislators: Restore Trump Electors

“It’s time to contact your representatives and senators to get onboard  if they are not.”  – PA Senator Doug Mastriano

Talking Points

  • Witness testimony of retired US Army Col. Phil Waldren, a cybersecurity expert dealing with intelligence and information warfare for 30 years.  Walden said of the votes dumps for Biden which took place between close of polls on Nov. 3 until Nov. 6: “These are events where a numerical amount of votes are processed in a time period that’s not feasible or mechanically possible under normal circumstances.”  During the first of these massive dumps, Walden said about 337,000 votes were added to the system.   And throughout the vote counting process, about 570,000 mail-in votes were dumped into the system. Of those hundreds of thousands of alleged voted, Trump received about 3,200. That means Trump received just one-half of 1% of the votes in those dumps.
  • PA counted hundreds of thousands of votes after 8 p.m. on Election Day, despite the statutory requirement that all ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day to be counted.

  •  On September 8, the PA Supreme Court made unconstitutional ruling that mail-in ballots with no postmarks or name and address can be counted.     (Official ruling here)

  • The historical average rejection rate for mail-in ballots over many elections is around 1%.  In this election almost no ballots were rejected, with early calculations of the rate being .03%, or thirty times lower than normal.

  • Pennsylvania law requires all ballots to be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day. But the state Supreme Court unconstitutionally extended the deadline for this election so ballots can be received by mail and counted until 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6, even if they have no postmark, name, address, or signature on the outer sleeve.  A court cannot remove the illegality of ballot box stuffing by merely applying a veneer of legality to it.

  • Williams College mathematics professor has sworn under penalty of perjury that according to survey data, tens of thousands of voters who are recorded as having requested a ballot, say they never requested one.   The professor also says he estimates just under 50,000 Republican ballots were never counted. 

  • Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor said the Williams College professor  is clearly qualified as an expert witness in any court in the United States, and that the court would have to look at the information he has provided.

  • There is an unnatural mathematical relationship between Trump’s walk-in vote and his mail-in vote in every county, which shows the presence of an algorithm being applied.

  • PA legislature is allowed to override no-confidence election results and send its own electors to the Electoral College, under the US Constitution.  This is a safety valve built into the Constitution by the Founders, in the extraordinary event that an election is flawed beyond repair, and the will of the people must be restored.


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