Michigan Attorney General Attempts Election Interference by Intimidating Trump Lawsuit #DetroitLeaks Witness

Below: #DetroitLeaks video  Bitchute backup   MP4-file-download

In an egregious attempt to silence a reporter and witness for the Trump legal team, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has sent a letter to a reporter threatening “criminal prosecution” if he did not remove an audio of a poll worker training session, in which the instructor tells workers to interfere with mail-in ballot watchers’ legal prerogatives to challenge mail-in ballots.  The audio evidence directly supports allegations being made in Trump’s Michigan lawsuits, of election interference.

Intimidation or attempted intimidation of  a witness in a federal case is a felony.  The audio has come to be known as the #DetroitLeaks.

(Audio Bitchute backup   MP4-file-download )

Mail-in ballot processes and procedures have taken center stage in this election, as Trump was leading in almost all key swing states until mail-in ballots began to be counted, and in some states huge batches came out a mathematically impossible 100% for Biden..

The Trump campaign has charged, in multiple lawsuits including one filed today, that mail-in ballot challengers in Michigan were not allowed to do their jobs, by being told to stand six feet away from poll workers and ballots so that they could not discern the markings.

The Trump legal team is now asking the court to block certification of the results,

On the first lawsuit filed last Wednesday, and since dismissed, MLive reported:

“The lawsuit…alleges some election trainers have explicitly told workers they should keep challengers 6 feet away and to call 911 if they don’t oblige.”

In the #DetroitLeaks audio, asked by trainees what to do if any of the observers challenge the rules or process, the instructor says more than once to call police at 911 and have them removed.

As can be heard in the audio and as reported in Big League Politics, the instructor says:

“9-1-1. They got standards. They got conduct standards. They make a scene, get them up out of there. Call the police on them,”

In the training session audio which Attorney General Nessel seeks to squelch, the trainer can be heard warning the trainees of conservative legal challengers to mail-in ballots, and telling the trainees to keep them six feet away, even if they are wearing masks.  From that distance, it would be impossible for anyone except those with the keenest eyesight to discern the ballots, which is the prerogative of ballot challengers.

As reported in Big League Politics, and as can be heard in the audio:

“In a response to a question, the instructor said that the Trump supporters are coming to primarily challenge absentee ballots during election day.”
“They’re coming. I don’t know if they’re coming to every precinct, but they’re coming to many of them in the city, yes. We have already gotten word. The state has already said they’re coming,” the trainer said.”

The training audio was taken in October.  One of the plaintiffs in the first Trump Michigan lawsuit complained that the six foot rule was being enforced by election workers in August.  Thus, the audio recording of the training session would show that poll workers were being told to interfere with elections long after the state had made assurances that there were no issues, and all ballot challengers’ rights were being respected.

The Michigan AG, through a letter signed by an Assistant Attorney General, Danielle Hagman-Clark, demanded the reporter pull the audio down from the Internet or face criminal prosecution, image below.  The letter has been authenticated by Reason Magazine.

The Trump legal team is asking the court to not certify Michigan’s results until they can ensure all ballots were cast legally.  The New York Post reports that in last week’s lawsuit against Michigan officials, the Trump team said:

“campaign manager Bill Stepien claimed they had been refused access at counting stations to observe the opening of mail-in ballots in the swing state that could unlock the White House.”

Today the Washington Times reported:

“President Trump’s campaign filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Michigan secretary of state and Wayne County, arguing the officials violated the Constitution by treating Republican poll observers differently than Democrats.

Matt Morgan, the campaign’s general counsel, told reporters that election officials did not allow Republican poll observers to review mail-in ballots with Democratic poll observers, which is a violation of state law. He also said they were harassed.”

Observers and mail-in ballot challengers of both parties, present in the vote-counting center, are an integral part of vote-counting processes for mail-in ballots.

In the #DetroitLeaks audio, Michigan poll workers can be heard laughing about social distancing rules that will prevent poll observers from monitoring election process.  The trainer affirms:

“Six feet. That’s the rule, right? And you’re entitled to your six feet.”

The mail-in vote in Michigan and other states is highly contentious.  In Michigan, by 2.a.m. on the day after the election, Trump held a commanding lead.  Then suddenly, the counting stopped for hours, then commenced again.  By 5a.m. over 130,00 votes had appeared, all of them for Biden, none for Trump or any third party candidates.  Trump’s lead was erased.

It has been held to be mathematically impossible for one candidate to get 100% of all votes. Even in the most liberal cities, there are always red voters, even if they are vastly outnumbered.  In 2016 in the bluest part of deep blue Philadelphia, Trump still managed 15% of the vote to Hillary Clinton’s 85% .   In 2016 in deep blue Detroit, Trump still pulled about a quarter of the vote.

Separately, a Michigan election monitor has testified that she witnessed three vehicles, including a van and a Ferrari, deliver upwards of 130,000 ballots at about 3a.m. to the Detroit counting center (below.)

Source for above video

Despite mainstream media pronouncements that the Trump campaign is mounting a lawsuit campaign “without evidence,” the court filings contain reams of evidence, simply ignored.

The Washington Times reports of the Trump campaign’s most recent Michigan lawsuit:

“The filing includes more than 100 affidavits detailing election irregularities in the county, where there are reports of multiple ballots being cast by individuals and ballots being run through the machines a number of times.”

“It was pervasive,” said Thor Hearne, counsel to the campaign.

Trump’s team is also asking for a forensic inspection of software from Dominion Voting System, which erroneously counted 6,000 ballots that were meant for Trump and put them in the Biden column.    Michigan election officials have called it a “glitch,” but some suspect vote-counting machine hacking.  The simple way for all such glitches to be found and fixed, and machine hacking ruled out, would be for the paper ballots to be recounted by hand in the 47 Michigan counties using the Dominion system.

In almost every state, it is against the law for vote-counting machines to be connected to the Internet.  But Gateway Pundit reported last week that a former state senator and aeronautical engineer had observed router and wifi cabling throughout the Detroit counting center.  Gateway Pundit reports:

“Senator Colbeck told TGP that while serving as a poll challenger he observed the computers in the TCF were all connected to the internet. Senator Colbeck asked David Natham to scroll over the LAN connection icon but Nathan refused to do this. That would have shown whether the computers were connected to the internet.”

Of the Trump campaign lawsuit filed last week, which Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson called “frivolous,” the New York Post reported:

“Jocelyn Benson told CBSN that the suit — which seeks to halt the counting of mail-in ballots in Michigan — was “misinformation designed to sow seeds of doubt among our voters about the integrity of our elections process.””

Below: #DetroitLeaks video  Bitchute backup   MP4-file-download


Hammer and Scorecard EVIDENCE: The Moment the Vote-Flipping Occurs on CNN


The Gateway Pundit


Citizens for Legitimate Government News

Mark Crispin Miller

Ron Paul Institute

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